Question: When's the Contract expiration date of CFD contracts on MT4/MT5 platforms?
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Many of CFD financial instruments have each contract expiration date when all open positions and pending orders will be closed and cancelled automatically by the system.
If you are trading CFDs with contract expiration date, you may want to know the dates as all open positions will be realized its profits and losses.
There are two ways to check the contract expiration dates of CFD contracts on HotForex.
Directly on HotForex MT4
To check the contract expiration date of CFD on HotForex MT4, please login to your HotForex trading account first.
Then right click in “Market Watch” window and select “Symbols”.
After that, please select the symbols which you like to check the contract expiration date and other trading conditions, and click “Properties”.
You should be able to see current trading conditions of the symbol as well as the contract expiration date if there is any.
HotForex News Announcement
If you are bothered logging into MT4 to check the contract expiration date, then you may check the News announcement released by HotForex.
We have all HotForex’s latest news in our main introduction page of HotForex.
If your CFD positions are closed automatically
Most of the CFD symbols have “Contract Expiration Date” for each symbol.
At the expiration of the contract, all existing open positions and pending orders will be closed automatically by the system on HotForex MT4.
There will be no roll-over for any positions, and if you wish to continue the symbol on HotForex MT4, you may need to re-open the positions after the expiration date.
You may note that all open positions of a symbol at its expiration date, will be realized all profits and losses.
And there may be price gaps between the ending price of the previous contract and the starting price of the next contract.
Hercules Finance releases all updates of Contract Expiration date on HotForex, by following us, you will be informed a few days before of all contract expiration dates.
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