XM’s One Click Trading is available for free on MT4 and MT5

You can utilize the one-click trading for opening positions only. For closing options, you need to do it manually.

XM does not offer a third party trading tool which you can install though, “One Click Trading” is currently available on both MT4 and MT5 trading platform.

To enable the “one-click trading”, follow the steps below.

1. Please right click on a chart and select “One Click Trading “. (or type “Alt+T”)

To show the “One Click Trading board” on your price chart, right click on the price chart and select “One Click Trading” as below.

You can also type in “Alt + T” directly to make the board appear instantly.

mt4 metatrader4 one click trading window trading tool

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2. The one-click trading board will appear on the left up side of the chart.

For the first time you use the board, you will be asked if you like to enable the “One Click Trading” or not. Once you agree, you can open positions instantly just by clicking on the board.

*If you disagree to the consent form, you will need to re-open the platform in order to agree to it next time.

MT4 one click

For the first time, you click on the ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ button, a window pops with a statement which you need to read and agree to the condition of use of this tool. If you don’t agree (click in the check box), you cannot use the “One Click Trading”.

Visit XM Official Website

Why “One Click Trading” board isn’t active but it opens normal order screen?

The “One Click Trading” board is activated and available for using, only if you have “accepted and agreed” to the terms and conditions.

You might have closed the screen to activate(agree to T&C) below, when you have first time clicked on the “One Click Trading” board.

In this case, please go to “Tools” – “Options” – “Trade” and check the “One Click Trading” box below.

Then the above screen with T&C will appear.

You may follow the same process above to disable the “One Click Trading” tool on MT5.

Please be careful when you use the “One Click Trading” board on MT5 trading platform, because one it is activated, the board will send orders directly to trading server with one click.

Even if you have accidentally clicked on it and sent orders, you cannot cancel the orders which are already executed afterwards.



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