May 22, 2021
Buy Cryptocurrency with Credit Card through Wisebitcoin
You can now buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and USD Tether with Credit/Debit Card through Wisebitcoin.
Buy Cryptocurrency with Creditcard on Wisebitcoin Wisebitcoin is excited to announce that you can now purchase Cryptocurrencies by using Credit Card. The Cryptocurrencies that you can buy on Wisebitcoin are: Bitcoin (BTC) Eth...

Titan FX
May 20, 2021
TitanFX has added 65 US Stocks for trading on MT4 and MT5
TitanFX adds 65 US Stocks for trading Titan FX is pleased to announce the launch of 65 stocks, including Nasdaq and New York Stock Exchange major equity-funded US high-end CFDs, Facebook, Tesla, Pfizer, etc. With Zero Point ™ techn...

May 20, 2021
Exness rises the Leverage for Crypto pairs to 1:200
Exness has increased the leverage of Cryptocurrency pairs to 1:200.
Trade Cryptocurrency pairs with a high leverage Exness is excited to announce the latest update on the leverage applicable to Cryptocurrency pairs. Now, you can trade Cryptocurrency pairs on Exness's platforms with up to 1:200 high...

May 19, 2021
easyMarkets adds Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Stellar Lumens
You can now trade Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Stellar Lumens on easyMarkets' platforms.
easyMarkets adds new Cryptocurrency pairs easyMarkets is happy to announce the new addition of Cryptocurrency pairs. The newly added Cryptocurrency pairs are Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Stellar Lumens. Now on easyMarkets' tradin...

May 19, 2021
HotForex adds more Cryptos: ETC, IOT, NEO, OMG, TRX, ZEC, and DSH for trading
Invest in Cryptocurrency with HotForex HotForex has added a number of new markets for Cryptocurrency investors. With HotForex, you can invest in Cryptocurrency pairs and some stocks related to Crypto markets on MT4 and MT5 trading ...

May 18, 2021
Is it the best time to invest in Vaccine, Pharmaceutical Stocks?
What you need to know before start investing in Pharmaceutical Stocks today.
Vaccine stocks in the spotlight With the vaccination process currently being one of the most important actions carried out globally to help fight the pandemic, many market participants are watching in parallel how the different vaccin...

May 18, 2021
Change of Withdrawal Condition - SuperForex's Easy Deposit Bonus
SuperForex updates the withdrawal condition of Easy Deposit Bonus.
SuperForex's 2021% Easy Deposit Bonus gets updated SuperForex is thrilled to announce that one of the most popular offers, the Easy Deposit Bonus, just got a whole lot better! It's not hard to see why this bonus is so well-loved, ...

May 18, 2021
Exness adds BTCXAU, BTCXAG, BTCCNH and other Bitcoin pairs
6 more Bitcoin pairs available for trading Exness added BTCXAU to the instruments, along with 5 other Bitcoin crosses. Here are the newly added Bitcoin pairs on Exness MT4 and MT5 accounts. BTCXAUBitcoin vs Gold BTCXAGBitcoin...

May 17, 2021
Axiory releases new Tera Account Type on MT5
See the details of Axiory's Tera account type. A new MT5 account type for traders.
Axiory releases Tera MT5 account AXIORY, which celebrated its 10th anniversary, has responded to various requests from customers with the aim of providing a higher-grade service. Until now, Axiory has received many requests for "pr...

May 17, 2021
SuperForex significantly reduces the spread of Crypto Pairs
You can now trade Cryptocurrency pairs with SuperForex at a must low cost.
SuperForex reduces the spread for Cryptos SuperForex is excited to announce that the spread for Cryptocurrency pairs is significantly reduced. Now with SuperForex's Crypto account type, you can invest in the Crypto markets at a low...
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