Beware of profit cancellation by StormGain Cryptocurrency exchange
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It has been known that a Crypto exchange “StormGain” is canceling the profits of its clients for no clear reasons.
Investors who are to invest in Cryptocurrencies through StormGain, should be aware of this company’s activity.
Profit cancellation by StormGain
StormGain is a Cryptocurrency exchange promoted by, the same company that also promotes Libertex and Forex Club.
It’s been reported that StormGain ( has canceled a large amount of profit of its client.
The amount refused for withdrawal by StormGain ( was USD 45353.1.
Upon the withdrawal request of the amount USD 45353.1 by the client, StormGain has suspended the process and notified the client stating that the future profit will be deducted due to the inability to provide liquidity and the need to conduct client transactions through a counterparty.
After the notice, StormGain contacted the client that the withdrawal of USD 45353.1 is impossible for no clear reason.
Regarding the profit cancellation, StormGain states that “It was a company decision based on the dealing desk report.”.
If you are to carry investment activities with StormGain, you should be aware of a high level of risk of losing money.
Are you also aware of StormGain’s suspicious activities? Share your story with other investors here.