Question: Can I hedge positions on MT4? or is partial close possible?
Yes, you can hedge positions in your XM account.
The ability to hedge allows you to hold both buy and sell positions in the same product simultaneously, having the ability to enter the market without choosing a particular direction.
While the ability to hedge is an appealing feature, you should be aware of the factors that may affect hedged positions.
It is important to note that even a fully hedged account may suffer losses due to rollover costs, exchange rate fluctuations or widening spreads.
Closing Orders Partially
Yes, a partial order close on an open trade is possible.
Follow these steps:
- Double click on the trade you wish to partially close to open ‘Order Window’. You can also right click and select “Modify or Delete Order”.
- Make sure “Market Execution” is selected as Type.
- Using “Volume” dropdown, select the size you wish to close.
- Finally, Click on the yellow button with text as “Close #…..’.
On MT4 platform, you can have up to 200 positions at the same time, including pending orders.
- Close