Question: How to close open positions/orders on MT5 (MetaTrader5) trading platform?
In order to close an open position, please go to “Terminal”→”Trade” tab and find the position you like to close.
Then you may right click on the position, and select “Close Position” or directly closing it by clicking on “X” at the right hand side of the screen.
If you have set valid stop-loss or take-profit levels, your order will be closed once the market price reaches either of the levels you have specified.
Alternatively, you can also close position by right-clicking on the green line in the price chart where the position is executed and select “Close”.
From the price charts, you can also set pending orders “Take Profit” and “Stop Loss” by just dragging the green line to up and down.
Ask Line is Invisible
Please remember that the price mainly shown in each price chart is the “Bid Price”(the price to sell) and the “Ask Price” is normally hidden,
In order to make the “Ask Line” appear in a chart, you need to right click in the chart and go to “Properties”→”Show” and check on “Show Ask Line”.
Then you will see another line displayed in the price chart above the “Bid Line”.
This causes common mistakes among traders, and you may also want to be careful with the price you are looking at when executing orders.
No commissions on FXPro MT5
FXPro MT5’s spread includes all commissions charged for tradings and there is no hidden fees or extra commissions.
Thus the “Profit” amount you are seeing in the terminal window would be the final result of the tradings.
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