Question: Where can I find information about the funds, fees and number of investors of FXTM Invest accounts?
To see the information of your accounts, please follow the steps below.
- Select the Strategy Account tab, within the ‘My Trading Accounts’ section in MyFXTM.
- Select the ‘FXTM Invest’ tab and click ‘Investors’ to access the funds currently invested in your account.
- Click ‘Fees’ to access the total Profit Share you’ve received.
You can choose to view these statistics as a graph or with details.
You can also check out the list of FXTM Invest accounts and rankings to compare your accounts with others.
Top Ranking Strategy Accounts shows:
- Strategy Managers with positive growth.
- Managers who have trading activity for more than 30 trading days.
- Managers who had at least one open trade during the last 5 trading days.
All Strategy accounts show: Full list of all public strategy accounts are shown.
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