how-to-open-vantagefx-forex-mt4-mt5-trading-account how-to-open-vantagefx-forex-mt4-mt5-trading-account

How to open VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 account to trade Forex?

Follow the simple steps below to open a Forex trading account with VantageMarkets.

  1. Register for VantageMarkets Online (Choose an account type and submit your application)
  2. Receive Login Credentials for VantageMarkets’s Client Portal and your Trading Account
  3. Login to VantageMarkets’s Client Portal from VantageMarkets Official Website to make a deposit
  4. Login to VantageMarkets MT4 or MT5 (You must download the platforms from VantageMarkets Official Website)
  5. Start trading Forex and CFDs (180+ instruments across all asset classes)

The account opening with VantageMarkets is absolutely free.

See the page here for the FAQs regarding to VantageMarkets’s account opening and trading.

For more information about VantageMarkets’s Islamic Swap Free account, visit the page here.

Do you have any questions? Visit VantageMarkets Official Website and contact their multilingual support team today.

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VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 are the base platforms for investment

VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 are Multilateral Trading platform which in essence is like a traditional Exchange bringing buyers and sellers together.

Your market orders are matched with another retail traders or one of the liquidity provider.

Certain limit orders you place may also add liquidity and can be taken by other traders or the liquidity providers.

On VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5, you can place your orders within the spread and if you get filled you will be charged a commission fee.

VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 act as an exchange and it clears CFDs through VantageMarkets, while spot FX and Metals trading are carried out according to a bi-lateral clearing.

VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 offer no settlement risk once orders are matched and novated to a central counterparty.

When you place an order on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5, it will be visible to all market participants.

As VantageMarkets doesn’t operate a dealing desk, your orders will be filled according to the transparent order book based on the available liquidity.

Opposed to traditional Contracts for Difference, VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 differentiate because they are centrally cleared.

The advantage of turning these traditionally OTC products into Exchange traded and centrally cleared, provides traders with greater transparency.

For the comparison of VantageMarkets’s all MT4 and MT5 account types, visit the page here.

What is the difference of MT4 and MT5?

VantageMarkets ECN Forex trading on MT4 and MT5

VantageMarkets allows you to receive real-time streaming quotes from multiple trading ECNs delivered by different broker counterparts simultaneously on one piece of software.

VantageMarkets’s trading Client features a Direct API Access, which means no bridge or middle-ware to connect to the ECNs, thus potentially eliminating layers of latency.

On selected Data Feeds of ECN, VantageMarkets allows the traders to act both as liquidity Makers and liquidity Takers.

Making liquidity means that certain limit orders will be placed in the book and visible to all market participants on that data feed.

This may potentially result in more liquidity visible in the book and more competitive pricing which may further tighten spreads.

Based on this model, on the other side of your fills there may be another trader like you.

For more information about VantageMarkets’s ECN Forex trading, please visit VantageMarkets Official Website.

Go to VantageMarkets Official Website

Merits of trading with VantageMarkets’s ECN accounts

VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 offers the first ECN of ECNs by using ECN local aggregator.

You can build Complex Spreads and Correlation strategies on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5. The multi-connectivity allows you to build synthetic pairs and complex tradable spreads.

VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 offer you the tools to facilitate your choice, so you can chart hourly, daily and monthly spreads on all data feeds.

Another advantage is the conditions at a Glance on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5.

By offering different ECN feeds, VantageMarkets is able to satisfy the demand of most trading styles.

Open VantageMarkets Real or Demo Account

1. VantageMarkets offers the real ECN Forex

Many competitors of ours have generated huge profits by systematically trading against their clients by running a dealing desk, and taking advantage of the little or no knowledge on this matter by the retail Forex client.

Today, some of these brokers claim they have become “the good guys” offering and promoting a “No Dealing Desk” or ECNs, simply because their spreads are now floating.

The same ones who have built their fortune trading against their own clients’ losses, now promote the purity of their execution practices and ironically badmouth their competitors to clean their record.

VantageMarkets connects exclusively to well known ECNs, where prices are traditionally quoted by multiple banks or liquidity providers and use a no dealing desk model.

You can see a depth of market and place orders within the spreads in a more transparent trading environment.

Find out more about VantageMarkets’s ECN Forex

2. No Conflict of Interest with ECN Forex

VantageMarkets offers Direct API Access to multiple trading ECNs portals.

VantageMarkets’s profits derives solely by part of the commissions they charge your trading account to execute trades on such ECNs.

This is VantageMarkets’s business model.

VantageMarkets does not run a dealing desk (they are not even allowed due to their registration status), and VantageMarkets doesn’t profit from your losses.

The spreads you see are the same VantageMarkets receives from the clearing broker counterpart.

Because VantageMarkets doesn’t apply any spread mark-ups on some account types, you will receive the same execution and tight spreads.

VantageMarkets originates from the Futures Trading business model and culture and VantageMarkets strives to promote a more fair and transparent Forex trading model.

While many competitors of their invested in technology to increase their own profits, VantageMarkets developed an advanced trading platform designed around your unique needs, where they deliver some of the most attractive products they found in the financial industry.

Go to VantageMarkets’s Registration Page

3. VantageMarkets allows any types of trading strategies

On selected data feeds, VantageMarkets offers its customers the opportunity to act either as liquidity “Takers” and liquidity “Makers”.

As opposed to traditional models, where the counterpart of your trades is always your broker or a liquidity provider, some limit order are posted in the trading book both when made by a liquidity provider or by another trader like you.

Consequently, orders may be filled by other traders and the broker will only match the trades.

Aside from the increased transparency of this model, allowing aggressive orders may increase liquidity and potentially decrease volatility.

VantageMarkets currently offers this setup through MT4 and MT5 platforms.

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4. ECN integrates Multiple Price Feeds into one

While traditional brokers offer you access to their trading feed without much of a choice, VantageMarkets’s business model and their technology allows them to offer you a selected variety of competitive trading feeds and conditions.

By being capable of offering multiple trading feeds into the same software, you can receive and trade on multiple quotes for the same trading pair.

Delivered exclusively on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5, the ECN technology allows high net worth and entities to aggregate multiple Forex ECN feeds delivered by the same clearing counterpart.

VantageMarkets’s ECN aggregates the quotes from the liquidity providers of each trading portal, delivering tight spreads which might also be inverted.

As the aggregation is unfiltered and performed on the client side, there are no algorithms on VantageMarkets’s end preventing the spreads to reach negative values.

A centralized clearing, trading on a credit basis and the power of this aggregator, give the opportunity to institutional traders, or high net worth individuals, to place orders on different ECN while benefiting from a cumulative net account position.

See VantageMarkets’s Forex Spreads

FAQs of ECN Forex on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5

Before starting your online Forex trading with VantageMarkets, you may have some questions that you want the answers to.

Here are some frequently asked questions about VantageMarkets’s service.

For more inquiries, you may Contact VantageMarkets Support Team.

Contact VantageMarkets Support

1. Does VantageMarkets allow all trading styles including scalping, news trading and high frequency?

VantageMarkets doesn’t impose any trading restriction and actually they welcome any trading style.

VantageMarkets offers multiple trading Feeds to satisfy the needs of some of the most sophisticates traders.

However, among other factors, please keep in mind that volatility and news events may cause spreads to widen suddenly which may increase the chances of slippage and/or getting filled at a price worse than desired.

Go to VantageMarkets Official Website

2. What type of execution does VantageMarkets offer? Dealing Desk or No Dealing Desk? Do they trade against your clients?

VantageMarkets is not a Dealing Desk and, because of the regulation governing their current registration status, VantageMarkets doesn’t operate a Dealing Desk.

Instead, VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 feature unbridged access to multiple ECN via a direct multi-API connectivity, and ECN aggregation with VantageMarkets’s proprietary ECN Technology.

Open VantageMarkets ECN Account

3. Who’s quoting the price rates on MT4 and MT5? The broker, a single bank, or multiple providers?

In the ECN model, liquidity is posted and prices are quoted by banks, hedge funds, brokers, other financial institutions or other ECNs, which are acting as liquidity providers for the circuit.

On selected ECN, traders are also enabled to act as liquidity makers.

So you, or other traders like you, may be creating additional liquidity by placing limit orders.

This means that while in a regular ECN the counterpart of your trades is always a liquidity provider in addition to the regular liquidity providers, your trade may be hit by other traders.

The clearing counterpart of your trades is always your broker (as it maintains the prime relationship with the liquidity providers), while VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5, through its direct ECN connectivity via API, provides live, executable streaming prices from the liquidity providers.

Consequently, the Market Depth window (where the depth of market is displayed) shows the liquidity providers competeting for the bid and ask prices.

Find out more about VantageMarkets’s Trading Server

4. Can I place orders within the spread?

Yes, of course you can place orders within the spread, and there isn’t either any minimum distance limitation for stops loss and profit target orders.

You can place orders anywhere in the market according to the appropriate order type.

Generally your order will be placed in the book until a liquidity provider will fill it, while on selected feeds, your trade might be filled by either a liquidity provider or by another trader like you.

Try VantageMarkets’s Demo Account

5. What is the difference between Makers and Takers?

In the ECN environment, Makers are generally the liquidity providers, because they provide or make liquidity for the ECN.

On the other hand, Takers are instead the clients whom, by placing their trades, take the liquidity from the ECN.

Please note that on selected ECN, VantageMarkets allows traders to act both as makers and takers.

What is ECN Forex exactly?

6. Who’s on the other side of my trades on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5?

In a normal trading environment, a retail trader will be always acting as a liquidity taker.

This means that the counterpart of your trades will always be a liquidity provider or maker, thus you’re a liquidity taker.

On selected ECN, instead you may also be acting also as liquidity maker, so when place certain limit orders these will be visible to all market participants, thus the counterpart of your trades might be either a liquidity provider or another trader.

In such case you may also be acting also as a price maker.

Visit VantageMarkets Official Website

7. What is the average slippage between the price I requested and my actual fill price? What is VantageMarkets’s average slippage or spread during economic news events?

Trading on ECN generally provides increased transparency, as there is no dealing desk fabricating the prices.

Consequently, slippage, spreads or other execution outcomes, like split fills, partial fills, etc., cannot be predicted as they depend on real time market conditions.

By trading in a competitive bid/ask environment with multiple liquidity providers, it’s possible that during economic news releases, or other instances of greater volatility, liquidity providers (and traders) may decide to pull off their orders from the market.

Therefore, on ECN because prices are not quoted by a single dealer, but they are the natural result of the competitive bid/ask orders placed by the liquidity provider participants, your order will be filled at the first available price, which may also be several pips away from your desired price (normally a worse price) during such market conditions.

Find out VantageMarkets’s Forex Spread

8. Are my stops guaranteed on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5?

Stop orders fill prices are not guaranteed.

A stop order by nature is a kind of order that when triggered by the price it turns into a market order and filled at the first available price.

While stops orders in most cases are held at the ECN trading servers (unless not supported by the API and therefore held locally on your machine until triggered), during high volatility or low liquidity your fill price may differ sensibly from the original stop price.

Open VantageMarkets Real or Demo Account

9. Can I see the depth of market on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5?

Yes, you will see the depth of market (or Level 2) for each ECN VantageMarkets provides access to.

You will be able to see the various bids and ask levels update in real-time along with the quantity available posted by the liquidity providers.

Download VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5

10. What’s a Forex ECN?

Forex ECN stands for Electronic Communication Network.

Here multiple liquidity providers such as banks, hedgefunds, brokers, other financial institutions or other ECNs post bid and ask prices and quantities real time, therefore depending on the market conditions spreads and liquidity will vary.

In an ECN, orders are sent directly to the circuit and usually they are not processed by a dealing desk.

Find out more about ECN execution

11. Will large order incur in partial fills on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5?

Normally, partial and split fills are determined by market liquidity.

If the best bid, or best ask, price is showing a volume size lower than your order quantity, chances are that your order will be partially filled, or it will result in a split fill.

For certain limit orders you may be able to cancel the balance of a partially filled order.

In split fills your order is processed in multiple instances according to market conditions; each time the order is not entirely filled, the remainder will be processed at the next available price until volume is completed.

Order details, including quantity filled and price, are available in the trading history of MT4 and MT5.

Go to VantageMarkets Official Website

12. I am a news trader, is it fine on VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5?

When you trade on an ECN you’re generally not subject to the trading restrictions often imposed by other retail FX brokers.

In fact, there is no particular trading style limitation with VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5.

VantageMarkets welcomes news, scalpers, and high volume traders.

If you wish you may discuss your particular needs with one of VantageMarkets’s support teams.

Contact VantageMarkets Support for more

13. Where are VantageMarkets’s servers located?

Because VantageMarkets MT4 and MT5 platforms offer a direct FIX API connection to popular Forex ECNs (and VantageMarkets doesn’t use any middle-ware or bridged connection), the location of the execution servers will depend on the technology behind each Data Feed.

VantageMarkets’s live trading servers are now located in the major financial hubs of both London and New York.



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