Natural Gas Contract Expires on September 27th on HotForex MT4
All Natural Gas(NGAS) positions to be closed as it expires.
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Please note that Natural Gas CFD Contract will be expired on September 27th in 2016(Tuesday).
At the same time, all existing open positions and pending orders of the symbol, NGAS will closed and cancelled at 20:45 GMT on the same day.
If you wish to continue trading the symbol, please re-start trading after the expiration date. HotForex will notify you the expiration date again according to its guidelines.
Wondering when is the expiration date of the symbol you are trading? Please login your HotForex MT4 account, and right click in the “Market Watch” and select “Symbols “. Then select the symbol which you like you check the information and click on “Properties”.
All CFD future contracts has expiration date.