SuperForex added rare Energy and Commodity markets for trading
Trade NY Harbor Gasoline, Lean Hog, Soybean Oil and more futures with SuperForex.
New Precious Metals, Energies and Commodities
SuperForex has added a number of new futures.
Now you can trade the following Futures of Energy, Commodity, and Metal on SuperForex MT4.
New Futures Energy on SuperForex MT4
- #QGG21 (Natural Gas)
- #XBZG21 (Brent Crude Oil)
- #QMG21 (Crude Oil)
- #XRBG21 (NY Harbor Gasoline)
Trade Futures Energy CFDs with SuperForex
New Futures Agro on SuperForex MT4
- #HEG21, #HEJ21 (Lean Hog)
- #LEG21, #LEJ21 (Live Cattle)
- #ZCH21, #ZCK21, #ZSH21 (Soybean)
- #ZLH21 (Soybean Oil)
- #ZMH21 (Soybean Meat)
- #ZWH21, #ZWK21 (Wheat)
Trade Futures Argo CFDs with SuperForex
New Futures Good on SuperForex MT4
- #CCK21 (Cocoa)
- #CTK21 (Cotton)
- #JOH21 (Orange Juice)
- #KCH21, #KCK21 (Coffee)
- #LBSH21 (Lumber)
- #SBK21, #SBN21 (Sugar)
Trade Futures Goods CFDs with SuperForex
New Futures Metals on SuperForex MT4
- #GCG21 (Gold)
- #SIG21 (Silver)
Trade Futures Metal CFDs with SuperForex
Many of the above new CFDs on futures markets are available for trading only with SuperForex, but no other brokers.
Explore the new trading opportunities with the new markets.
Note that the above financial markets may not be available for trading on some account types. For the list of available financial markets on each account type, go to SuperForex Official Website.