Yadix MT4's Liquidity Pool now consists of eight banks and three ECN’s providers
How many liquidity providers are connected to the MetaTrader4 trading platform? Here are some good news for you.
Yadix is committed to continue to provide the highest quality execution to its clients, with a specific focus on EA traders, scalpers and High Frequency Traders.
While being an ECN and STP broker with MT4 (MetaTrader4) trading platforms, Yadix continues to improve its investment environment for its traders.
Here are some recent updates for Yadix’s traders.
1. Liquidity Provider Upgrades
To support fast execution and the lowest true market pricing, Yadix have added new liquidity from a Tier-1 bank and a new ECN.
Yadix’s liquidity pool now consists of eight banks and three ECN’s providers.
More liquidity providers mean deeper market liquidity, less slippage and stable price feeds.
2. Lowest Trading Costs
Yadix offers three ECN trading accounts, all offer spreads from 0 pips and low-cost trading, with cost per 1 lot trades as low as $5 per lot (spread + commission) TOTAL.
Trading conditions may vary depending on the account type.
You can also take advantage of Yadix’s bonus promotions to reduce your trading cost or earn extra profits by trading.
Visit Yadix Official Website to see the comparison table of account types.
3. Leading Forex Trading Conditions
Whilst many brokers are applying changes like lower leverage, higher margin and other critical changes, Yadix still offers leverage up to 1:500, spreads from 0 pips and unrestricted trading for any strategy or trading system.
On Yadix’s MT4 platform, you can perform any kinds of trading strategies including Scalping, HFT (High Frequency Trading), Hedging, EAs (Expert Advisers), algorithm trading robots, swing trading and others.
Yadix’s MT4 is provided for investors to make profit.
4. New Deposit Options
We are happy to inform you that a new credit and debit card processor has been added, supporting Visa and Mastercard from all regions.
Other funding methods such as bank wire transfer and online wallets are also available too.
Visit Yadix Official Website to find out the list of available funding methods and their conditions.
5. VPS Discount for EA traders
During July, Yadix would like to reward all EA traders with a huge discount on the required deposit to quality for a free VPS (Virtual Private Server).
Contact Yadix’s support team to claim your discount and the free VPS today.